The credit of the states in the Middle East is bound with their coalition against ISIL. The fabric of the region, which was ruined with Uncle Sam’s bombs, is now being fixed with the new bombs! Your global credit is rising to the amount of your bombs through your participation in the coalition!
The media influence and domination of the US rather than its real power is still holding the force to determine the future of the politicians of the region. To participate in the war coalition or not determines the stigmatization of the politicians or their “anti-terror” strategic alliance position.
The global strategic balance operates this way, but the effect capacity of the system on our lives is not merely confined to the political decisions. We are inside a financial global system, which determines our daily life and even our social relationships and social credit. Just as the financial networks enter into every part of our life, it has been determining the cultural and social relationships, values and taking the control over them for a long time.
Hamid Algar once said in an interview that the modern human’s temple is the bank and the object of worship is money. At the time when I read that, we had no credit cards or people who were saving in banks in the name of religion buying credits with interest. The appearance of the bank ads on TV broadcasts was absolutely prohibited. The suitable interest rated eid-credit cards were not legitimized at that time period! Hamid Algar’s aphorism was applicable to the U.S. and European capitalist societies, which were the temple of capitalism. We were criticizing this social structure with a confident heart, as we were not those servants of the consumer society and were having the joy of being the sultans of contentedness.
And today we don’t have the luxury for criticizing the homo economic who turned into a mad consumer whom the capitalism instructed. Today all the areas of our lives are integrated into the global capitalism. We are in such a socio-economic structure. Furthermore, the financial capitalism with all its institutions and regulations has irreversibly settled in this country.
The more tragic issue is our Islamic identity. It was so much deformed that we are no longer able to criticize these relationships and that we cannot stay away from them. The more conservative we became, the more our relationship with the global system was strengthened. The more we were absorbed into the system, the less the objections arose and even so these relationships became legitimized. The response to that is that Turkey and the AK Party with its own unique Islamic perception offers or the current situation, which is consecrated as an alternative product, is in fact an absolute separation of life from religion. In other words, this is not a secularization movement only in a political sense, but rather secularization in all areas of life.
In place of the French style-Jacobin-mandatory-secular-mentality, a secularizing form and perception of a conservatism concerning all the relationships, which are compatible with modernity, have been adopted.
A kind of mentality of the individual was injected into the society that while he or she was supposed to be religious in business life; but in politics, the course of the life, and social relationships, he or she was supposed to trust the “rules of economy and political sciences” instead. This mentality became widespread and the people began to question this situation in view of their religious creed to be awkward.
We are living in such times that it is believed that the Muslim moral code and political, economic pragmatism can go in hand without feeling any disturbance between the contrast in the economic development of the country and the withdrawal of the religious life.
It’s now the market which determines the credibility of this type of Muslim and personal identity. The color of your bankcard is more determining than your knowledge. It is true that power and wealth have always been esteemed throughout history and that people always had a weakness for these kinds of things. However uttering such credibility explicitly, its legitimization and adopting it as a measure and producing a value even outside the political and commercial realms including all the human relationships is a new phenomenon.
We are in a period where the human credibility and his or her social status are reduced to numbers, credit values. Speaking admittedly, I have realized how this inferential point turned into a tangible reality after reading a news report. The news report is just a routine one like any economics news bulletin. It says that from now on everyone is going to be scored through a credit point. Everyone will have an access to this “credit score”. All of your financial transactions ranging from your purchase of furniture to other stuffs will be legible and you will be scored based on economic and financial transactions of yours. That will be the amount of economic and social credit. This new credit value, which will be introduced in order to organize the business life, actually shows that the financial capitalism has not only captured our business and commercial life but also turned into a network wrapping up all our social and even cordial relationships in its database.
Those who suggest that the adaptation of Islam into modernism is an integration into the system in a healthy model are overlooking that our minds and world of values are being mortgaged. While conservatism versus Islam is shaking hands with modernism in a reconciliatory approach, the social outcomes of capitalism, which are already never brought up, are being overlooked. The most important of all is that the transformed religious life style or the religious life style acquiring secular forms is considered to be an advantage.
lgili YazlarEnglish
Editr emreakif on September 25, 2014