To make an order in the Middle East, more truely to bring democracy and freedom, I mean with the big claims such as bringing the privileges of the western civilization to this territory, the relationship of America legalizing the military occupation with Libya in the micro level is quite meaningful. It took nobody’s attention that all of a sudden Kaddafi who is known as a dictator,even a few times bombed by America, forced to embargo and was at the top of the terrorist countries during the Cold War became a model. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
The most common property of the modern town planning is the big squares and the big avenues and the boulevards opening to these squares are making the outlines of the city. In Europe in the process of building modern cities in connection with the new economical and the social relations, designing the cities can be symbolized just by the opening of the squares. The European capital cities just like Paris and London were recontsructed suitable for the social expectations and modernism rapidly getting rid of the traditional city structure in the era of the industry. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Düşünce, English, Kültür
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
To find the answers to these questions, if you want to learn the reactions of the authorities in Tehran and the circumstance of the people under threat, it is certain that you will get nothing. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
By writing such an introduction, I neither have the intention to search for the Jewish prints after each single leaf that moves, in the name of anti-semitism to give material in order to approve the absolute “Jewish Power” nor to exaggerate the powers of the lobbies that support the Israeli regulations and the Zionist thought. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
How should we interpret Iran’s President Ahmadinejad’s joining the oath ceremony of the new President of Ecuador leftist economist Rafeal Correa and hand in hand with the Bolivian leader Evo Moralles in a very friendly manner?
When we look at the entire of the same photo, the message is clear. An Islamist known President is taking place in the oath ceremony that the leftist leaders administrating most of the South American countries which are mentined as the back garden of America. Many take place in the oath ceremony as the meeting of the anti-American groups. DEVAMI>>>…
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
The definite result American votes’ results show is that : Bush and his team lost the vote. The beating which Republic group faced in Senato votes and Representatives Councile is giving the sign about who will win the election in the next semester.The politics being practised by Rebuclicians who have been managed by Bush for 2 years-it means the “neo-cons” seems to be punished by American voters. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
When we talk about reading the alternative history, of course first of all, the last times of the Ottoman Empire and the disputes on the first years of the establishment of the Republic come to mind. The tension between the things that the fictioned history teach and hide is the only difference of the political position for a majority. The ideological historicalness will go on feeding the rival political rhetorics as the dilemma of the fictioned and forbidden-to-speak history ( formal-informal) is so strongly discriminated. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
The ones who passed the Lebanese border and reached Syria seemed to have the shock of what they lived in their own lands when they looked back behind. Most of the ones who came had relatives in Syria or a place to stay or as the most important among all of these, they could find a vehicle to pass the border… They were the tired people of the war who had to leave their country behind no matter their social and economical positions were…. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
The conflicts that occur sometimes are casual. The most explicit example is Iraq in which the sectarian conflicts have been started to being fuelled. Being together Shi’is and Sunnies is not a reason for a sectarian fighting in the region that is the center of Shi’a. Thus, the sectarian and ethnic segregations/ conflicts are new modern illness for the region and unfamiliar tendencies in terms of its history and social structure. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 30, 2007
American administration claims to bring the sides to Annapolis after seven years for an expanded peace in Middle East, more truely between Palestine and Israel. So it is in a way trying to save its image in Iraq in Palestine. But there is no reason for being hopeful as we look at the position of the parties and the timing for an assertive peace summit. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on November 27, 2007