The Muslim world has long been paying a bloody price. One may ask whether the violent scenes that the Muslim world has been witnessing from east to west are simply the labor pains of childbirth, or the results of a damned and chaotic death. Even if we are uncertain over the future, we certainly have a good accumulation of knowledge and experience of our present situation and all-round history.
On one hand chaotic situations expose the dynamism and determination of a community. Despite the chaotic scenes being shown from the Muslim world, the Muslim world is also demonstrating the potential to channel its communal dynamism and intellectual experience to rid itself of the restrictions imposed on it, and thus construct for itself a brand new world.
One can never predict how the will of God will manifest itself. However, it is our responsibility as individuals and as a community to learn the lessons from what is available to us and stand up for the truth along the way towards our desired destination. With high hopes for the future we can draw up an optimistic plan, but at the same time we must look at the tangible facts and face up to existing horrors. If we achieve a balance between hope and fear, we will find the light at the end of the tunnel and receive divine help.
While all of the scenes of conflicts, chaos, crusades, animosity and tensions in the Muslim world roll out in front of our eyes like a film strip, the overall image we get is one of hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost at the expense of losing battles.
The Muslim world is being affected by war in every corner like those at Gallipoli in 1915, when the British Empire attempted to conquer the Mediterranean access point to the Black Sea from the Ottomans. Gallipoli not only resulted in a victory for the Ottomans, but it was the last victory of a dying empire. Today, the symbolic meaning behind the lives that are being lost across the Muslim world can be compared with the lives lost at Gallipoli.
Some estimates suggest that as much as 250,000 lives were lost during the Gallipoli campaign. The most dynamic elements of the altruistic people of Anatolia went to defend the Ottoman lands, which stretched all the way from Yemen to the Balkans and the Caucuses, and are now buried in these lands. The most dynamic elite of people sacrificed their lives, expending their minds, expertise, blood, sweat and tears.
If we look at Afghanistan, we will see how the most dynamic elite of Muslims rushed to defend the country from the Russian invasion. However, this elite later fell into civil war. After 30 years, the combination of outside interference and misinterpretations of Islam has also buried the physical and mental dynamism of Afghanistan into a hole in the ground. A few generations of people who are determined to transform the world into a global hegemony have wasted away their own cause and beliefs, and have fallen on the trail of a bigoted understanding of religion, thus becoming foreign to the idea of peace and estranged to their own realities.
The blood spilt in the name of this oppressive global hegemony in Iraq has claimed the lives of millions and darkened future of the nation. The arrival of invaders who came in the name of freedom led to an explosion of tensions. It has given rise to a resistance in which no one knows who or what anyone is fighting for, and has quickly turned into a blood feud. At present nobody knows who is behind the countless number of bombs that are exploding in mosques across the cities of Baghdad, Basra and Mosul, or why they are doing it.
Who can safely say that in Bosnia, where everyone’s position is slightly more obvious, that the same people who passively stood by and watched hundreds of thousands of people die before deciding to offer their support didn’t just expend human resources in order to shape the nation’s future?
It is easy to think of many more examples. From Syria to Yemen and from Somalia to Mali, we see the same scenes – ethnic cleansing and rebellions. In other words, we see Muslims killing other Muslims, the outcome of which being the nation and the people becoming completely expended. The absence of rights and justice has tested the patience of Muslims to its limit. These events are producing a new generation of young narrow-minded reactionaries who are ever-ready to rush towards death but are far away from possessing the skills and perspective to redevelop their civilization.
Across the Muslim world we can see Muslims who utter the right slogans but more often than not produce nothing but untimely and unorganized challenges against the imperial forces that have taken them hostage.
We must ask why all Muslims since the 9/11 attacks have been under the threat of being held hostage by the murderous culture a small group of people ascribing to a bigoted mentality and understanding of the world, along with the future of humanity as a whole.
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Editör emreakif on October 11, 2013