A photo taken during the ISIL-PYD war yesterday was really meaningful: A Kurdish warrior praying on the sand at the front…. Possibly a youngster, who had put his helmet aside and leaned his head on the sands in a prostrating position during the Kobane defense… It’s a photo that reflects the tranquility of praying, resignation, believing in something and being in peace…
A photographer on the other side could have caught the same frame from his objective. However, almost all of the religious-themed pictures related with ISIL were scary and spreading terror. A violence that is associated with religion and principlism perception is constantly being mentioned in the press.
On the other hand, a conscious image study which will reinforce the perception of the Kurdish, who are fighting in Kobane and surroundings, that they are secular freedom warriors. The resistance of men, girls and women against the religious terrorist organization, which forces them to close themselves, is being saluted. In this way, a secular, national freedom warrior profile is carefully being constructed about the Syrian Muslim Kurds.
A similar “Middle East reality”, which is constructed with the same contrasts, is attempting to be fit in photo frames. Similar confusions are being organized in the Syria civil war and the Sunni-Shiah, Kurdish-Arab wars in Iraq. It was as if the common ancient vault of heaven, which will cover and surround the violence and vendetta that is happening in practice, is falling into pieces. In the place of the vault of heaven, hennery institutions and identities, which are constructed, are being idealized.
Within the scope of this construction project, the existence of the Kurdish, who are fighting in the name of religion against the Kurdish warriors whom they regard as secular, can be disregarded.
Today, in the Middle East, identity proportions are upside down because of the political and strategic benefits. In other words, in Syria and Iraq, which are especially shattered, there is a drift being experienced that rummage every kind of scale of contrasts, contradictions and conflicts, which are intertwined within the frames above.
We are not only talking about the one-day alliances being formed and dispersed between the political actors. There is a conflict and campaign, which is directed at collapsing, rummaging, trivializing and invalidating all the value systems of the civilization basin and refusing it against history through a picture frame.
We have to think about how the children of the basin, which organizes the codes of the deep memory of humanity and not only the Muslimism, are scrapping in a way that they are annihilating their existence opportunities along with all the values. We can keep the tally of political benefits, imperial projects, provocations, ignorant ideology and the chiefs who had fallen into the temptation of the cases, and also the masses that are drifting behind these. No matter from what point we approach the issue, we can find an abundant amount of evidence that will support our thesis.
However, rather than the evidences, justifications, official statements, media-related perception operations, what we need is something, which makes the conditions of existence in this basin possible. We need something that reminds people of the essential values of this again, shakes and tells the good news and will stay in our hands after all is over, and will remind us that we are carrying this in our hearts together forever…
One thing is clear: “religion against religion”, which intercepts religion in the name of religion and is created as an idiocy in the name of religion, will cancel itself one day with all its falsity!
The black propaganda is taking the responsibility of suffocating the truth by designating religion as the source of all kinds of maliciousness. Despite the conscience, primeval understanding capability and all these calamities against the fake reality of the lie, the faith that makes us strong will prevail.
Fake happenings, the savageness that is committed for the sake of truth, the superstitious cases that seize the truth, the support given in the name of the modern time’s dirty capital accounts and spreading death is destined to be drowned in the Bayram joy which brings this geography into existence! The understanding of Bayram, the consciousness of being sacrificed, the shed blood of the sacrifice will clean everyone from the human blood shedders again.
Against the modern times, modern ideologies, religion’s temptations against religion, and against everything, let us embrace the Bayram which surrounds our horizon, our vault that makes us siblings, in other words, Bayram’s spirit…
We will reach Bayram at the moment we comprehend Bayram with the consciousness of being sacrificed. Despite everything, let there be a Bayram!
lgili YazlarEnglish
Editr emreakif on October 4, 2014