Feeling confidence is a requirement of being a person…. Being self-confident requires respecting oneself and mankind. Lack of self-confidence is an insurmountable wall that prevents a person from clinging on to life and leaving a meaningful mark on life… Over self-confidence or exaggeration of self-confidence will lead to idolizing “I”. The state of exaggerating oneself beyond self-regarding, will step into a state, where it instrumentalizes the others by placing “I” in the center of everything and makes the measures and values invisible and belittles them. The understanding, which puts it’s ego in the center, interprets all the measures and values according to its own existence opportunities, and blesses its own uniqueness. The person, who blesses oneself, will postpone and even cancel every sacred thing and measures until he/she actualizes that sacred mission. There are many examples in history regarding a person’s state of seeing oneself above everything. The most common justifications of the people, who see their name, authority and objective above everything in the field that lies between an idea and politics, that legitimize their such state is; their savior missions. At the rate they convince themselves and their surroundings to this mission, it compels borders and even exceeds them. The type of people, who had both taken steps that caused impacts and performed foolhardiness at the level of madness in history, are usually these people. Their common feature is being treated like a hero if they are successful, or like a crazy person if they fail. However, in both cases, the only determinant is their ordinance and will, which are free from all type of law and measure. However, questioning them will not take too long. Within the life fluency, there is always a probability, possibility that it will become evident that their mission is only consisting of an illusion.
As for the second type of “egoist” and the more effective ones, they are the savior figures, who render religion as content and whom the westerners refer to as “Messianic Mission”. This type of person will embark on a transcendental and even divine mission. Even if he or she is a follower of a religion, he or she will attribute an esoteric meaning to him or herself within that religion, tradition, and first they make themselves believe that they had been rendered a mission with a divine symbol. They will not have a hard time finding evidences that will support their state. Because, this type of person is already prepared to regard life, the world and even mankind’s history as objects that are waiting for the touch of their savior hand and they already had convinced themselves that this is true. This state of messianic behavior, supported with a mystical experience, will become even more enchanted and attractive at the same rate it attracts interest from the surrounding, and thus will turn into a state of holy affiliation. As the marks of an interaction, which allures holy affiliation, is interpreted in this way, it will be replicated as an anonym and will come to a more mystic state.
There are many epic examples of these types of people, who can be found in almost every religion, tradition and community. In the French history, Jeanne d’Arc is probably the most unforgettable hero of this type. Unfortunately, not every “holy hero” leaves behind an ending, which can be commemorated with this much innocence and admiration. The claim of being heavenly chosen, by interpreting his or her own mystic experiences with a transcendental mission feeling, is the obvious feature of this type of person. The only measure for these types of saviors, who claim to be blessed and appear in every period, especially in times of depression, and find the chance of socialization, are themselves.
Every type of value and measure can be postponed for the holy mission they embark upon, and every obstacle, which can possibly object, is bound to be crushed. There are no methods or tools that can’t be legitimated for the sake of this holy objective. While trivializing every kind of value in order to make this holiness, which they assess themselves with, come true, they will rivet the splendid feeling of transcendence in the faithful ones.
Whether in an intellectual sense or in the communal field, the concrete version of this egoistic state is arrogance: some kind of self-worship state. Despite the virtuous image like commitment and self-sacrifice by ascribing a mystic meaning to its own existence, the messianic types develop a different arrogance. This state of arrogance is what detains people, who attribute an exaggerated meaning to their social and mystic roles, from realizing their mistakes and returning from the stud farm. Examples to this can be found in anytime in every sect, disposition and community; their fates are usually common. Similar to how the socialization of arrogance is dangerous, arrogance with an appearance of spirituality will drag to deeper mistakes. And in time, their “holy objective”, which they claim to realize, will be replaced with their own instrumental methods.
Editr emreakif on December 16, 2014