There is nothing new under the ‘iron dome’. Well, iron dome is the name of Israel’s defense system. In fact, it is a dome which conceals its relentless aggression for being a war machine. Now the country can conceal it with an iron dome, while habitually crushing the Palestinians with an iron hand.
By leaning on its indisputable military power and thereby punishing a whole nation by insulting and dishonoring it, Israel did not hesitate to continue its destruction strategy.
It still plays its own shameless game of the oppressed to the west, which it worships and considers as the power center.
Can’t this shameless murder which repeats itself be obstructed? It is helpful to focus on certain details.
We must first identify the matter correctly. This is not a question of Palestine; this is a question of Israel. This is what must remain in the minds.
You can’t reach a solution unless you notice that you have to seek the reason of the ‘Israel issue’ not in its being a Jewish issue for the Islamic society in ‘monotheistic’ terms, but in the codes of the modern racist ideology.
Hence, it must be noted that Israel, which adopts its official ideology as Zionism, has not identified its borders. That’s the reason behind the fact that it won’t make peace; not because it is really under a threat, but because it has not accessed its borders which it can define.
Apart from everything, it is significant for us to realize that the whole area of Palestine is under occupation and attack, and Gaza is only a part of Palestine.
We must remember that the propaganda, which crashed the reality of Palestine has cunningly overshadowed the occupation of Jerusalem. It must be remembered that Jerusalem is not just an ordinary piece of land, but holds an existential value for the whole Muslim community and beyond the occupation, it has an unavoidable religious and historical sense of depth and an essential cause of struggle.
It must be noted that none of the regional regimes has any intention to engage in war against Israel. And that the current authorities and monarchs have been granted their regimes as bribes under the unofficial contracts.
Despite all of this, we must see that a handful of believers can succeed in dealing with the wild aggressors, which any state with billions of dollars and a hundred thousands of armed military personnel cannot achieve.
Having said thus, we also must recall and remind ourselves that the task for fighting against Israel has not been bidded to Hamas or Hizbullah and those armed forces of all the Muslim countries are responsible for the weapons bought with the Muslim taxes and economic sources that are laid to waste.
It is time to admit that Israel cannot be stopped with heroic speeches and that this conceals a kind of weakness. We cannot make any point with slogans, but by rationally analyzing the strategic steps of Israel, its occupation policies, diplomatic, military, geo-economic and even religious arguments. The rights of Palestine cannot be defended nor can the occupation be ended with an explosion of anger at each attack after which it is left to be forgotten.
Also, no Islamic action and local activity can be done to look sympathetic to Israel. That would only mean allowing Israel to take legitimacy hostage. With an Israel VISA, neither can the rights nor a fair cause be defended, nor can the tears of the oppressed be wiped.
Without reading the global relationships of Israel and its connections, neither can Palestine be supported nor can this war machine be stopped. The fact is that with the national / regional structures embedded with global capitalism, Israel cannot be fought is a world system reality. The question of Israel is inseparable from this.
No matter what, Israel is not invincible. Just as it is paranoia to look for a Jewish hand in every leaf move, to underestimate it can be defined as levity at best.
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Editör emreakif on July 24, 2014