A military coup has occurred in Egypt.
Just as Western media and the leaders of Western nations, particularly the United States and United Kingdom, have not condemned the overthrowing of an elected president, they will not even refer to the current situation as a “coup.”
The crisis into which Egypt has been dragged is not limited to the double standards of the West which will not call a coup a coup. A dangerous tension is being escalated between those supporting the coup, and the people who have been degraded by having their rights to political representation stolen.
At the same time, a massacre has happened with the military targeting, and opening fire on, the Muslim Brotherhood gathered in squares to support Morsi. With this new development, the situation is no longer limited to a junta rule in which the military has seized power, but rather reveals the potential of progressing to more dangerous levels.
The armed force through which the Muslim Brotherhood, which has resisted oppression, torture and executions for 80 years under the pressures of the pharaohs of despotic modern times, was ousted from the rule which they had been granted through free elections places the future of Egypt under lien.
The Arab dictators and Western “elected leaders” who applauded the overthrow of Egypt’s first elected president after less than a year are blackening the future of the country.
The staging of something similar to the bloody civil war in Algeria twenty years ago is being sought along the banks of the Nile. Those remaining silent to the military junta, and even supporting the coup, are laying the stones which lead to the Algeria-ization of Egypt.
Egypt’s being staged into an Algeria-like scenario will throw the entire region, not only Egypt, into the flames. No one will emerge victorious from this.
It is our greatest wish that with the blessing of Ramadan, the wise will prevail before the Nile bursts into flames.
lgili YazlarEnglish
Editr emreakif on July 9, 2013