Turkey in limits of USA’s strength and weakness
The first meeting on the weekend after tension between Turkey and America which was triggered by Turkey’s “no” vote on the UN Security Council’s embargo against Iran gives some interesting clues in regard to new global balances and crises. The signs from the meeting are even more striking than the sudden start of PKK attacks (or more correctly, their being made obvious), the tensions on the Israeli line suddenly being made to flare up in the Turkish media and the statements made at the end of the Obama-Erdoğan meeting. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on July 1, 2010
Zionist occupation has reached Turkey shores
We learned about the 1967 war when the bodies of the dead washed up on our shores. We were so estranged from one another then in a geography where we share a common fate that officially Turkey did not give it importance. In fact, it saw no harm in covertly cooperating with the Zionist oppressors… DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on June 23, 2010
“Allahaısmarladık kalbim”
Bundan bir ay kadar önce İspanya’da, Müslüman Endülüs’ün kalbi Kortoba’daki büyük caminin hemen arka sokaklarından birinde tarihi havraya adımımı attığımda şaşırmıştım. Dikkatlice bakmayan bir göz burasının rahatlıkla bir cami olduğu sanısına kapılabilirdi. Endülüs döneminden kalma bu havrada Endülüs İslam sanatı arasında o kadar çok benzerlikler var ki. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, Düşünce, Kültür
Yazanemreakif on June 15, 2010
Debating “the end of the Europe myth”
At a time when an attempt is being made to bury Turkey in internal politics again and especially when new hopes are being pumped up by producing elitist Gandhis, important ruptures should not be overlooked. At least essential global discussions at the bottom of the agenda should not be overlooked by intellectuals. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, Düşünce, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on June 1, 2010
Turkey’s opportunity to veto Israel
Ignoring every kind of diplomatic courtesy and practice, the Israeli Foreign Minister’s comparing Turkey’s Prime Minister to a pharaoh means that either he has great self-confidence or he is not aware of what is happening in the world. In this sense ironically a “Saddam psychology” dominates Israeli rulers. It is a misleading delusion that sees the world from its own narrow window and is imprisoned in the narrow horizon of its own story of power and legitimacy. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on April 8, 2010
Before imposing a new “Dayton” on Bosnia…
In recent days because the eyes of almost everyone from politicians to journalists are necessarily on our eastern neighbors and Southeastern Turkey, no one can pay much attention to events taking place in the Balkans. When our characteristic of being a society with a memory problem is taken into consideration, then there is nothing strange about the situation. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on October 23, 2009
Before Qashqar is destroyed
Those engrossed in the geo-strategic details of the “great game” in Central Asia are indifferent to the attack on the remains of our magnificent civilization. Since the days when we became accustomed to reading life with strategic calculations, talking about matters of history, culture and civilization has unfortunately been perceived as being cut-off from world realities. At any rate, we are living in a global age that gives value according to the ratio of the commercial “value” of things. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on June 5, 2009
Rethinking Andalusia
Grenada- Generally those who write about Andalusian civilization have no civilization consciousness and remain in a state of longing for the past. In spite of so much lamentation for a civilization, it is ironic that Muslims do not have “civilization consciousness.” DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Kültür
Yazanemreakif on May 20, 2009
If there is no Islamic World, then what is all this fuss about?
Reaction also came from the Washington Post regarding Obama’s addressing the Islamic World and his initiatives which are interpreted as attempts to establish dialogue with the Islamic World. The writer argued that there was no meaningful united Islamic World and that his efforts to address all Muslims benefited those who dream of basic Islamic unity. While claiming that there has been no Islamic World since the Middle Ages, the writer, a liberal with Indian roots, pointed to the Christian World as an example. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, Düşünce, English
Yazanemreakif on April 24, 2009
Islam’s war on Islam over Iran
The contradiction that occured after the US president Bush’s Middle East visit cannot be hidden, even it began to be a “familiar view”. UAE has been the model that Bush could show as the architect of the Great Middle East Project that once offered bringing democracy and human rights. It has been long ago that he explained they would follow a procedure in order to change whatever there is peculiar to the region including the political map to the cultural map, the map of conscious and play with the cultural codes. We do not care enough for the “Bushovenism” since we are used to the painful contradiction between the truths and American rhetorics. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 17, 2008