The Syriza Party, which is presented as a radical left wing, however whose populist left-wing character comes to the foreground when the election pledges are observed, will be talked about a lot, especially in the EU. It’s the success of a party that managed to meet with the public’s reaction against developmentalist policies, in which the middle class had collapsed and the austerity policies are burdened on the large masses, and unemployment….. At the same time, the communal accumulation, which came to life by the complete collapse of the central political parties…. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 31, 2015
Four years have passed since demonstrations started in Tahrir Square and resulted in the ouster of Hosni Mubarak. During these four years Egypt has changed its president four times. The demonstrations that broke out at the time Mubarak was grooming his son to take over from him resulted in him having to vacate his own post.
Following a period where a transitional government was in place, Egyptians voted the Muslim Brotherhood candidate to power in the first free presidential elections in that country. Even if it wasn’t a landslide victory, the candidate was voted in with a democratic majority. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 27, 2015
The deceased King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdülaziz was 90-years old. The King that replaced him, Abdülaziz, is younger than him: 80 years old. As for the Monarch of Qatar, who staged a coup against his own father and took the throne, he is of the age equal to their grandchildren’s. Also, the father of the Monarch of Qatar had also taken the throne by staging a coup against his own father. If you were to make a comparison in the sense of average age and the average duration of reigning the throne between the Petroleum Sheikdoms, you might discover interesting results. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, Düşünce, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 24, 2015
It was a balmy spring evening… That evening marked my first visit to Granada. The Alhambra was opposite me as the sun set in Mirador San Nicolas… The coral red of the setting sun lit up the Alhambra. A red sun was sinking below the horizon. The walls of the Alhambra were covered in a dark red as the last rays of sunlight fell upon them. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, Düşünce, English, Kültür
Yazanemreakif on January 17, 2015
Easterner, Westerner, Parisian, and Pekinese, orientalist and Westernized… they all started to interrogate the Muslims of the world. An attitude, which believes in having the privilege of making someone accountable for the bloodshed in Paris with the language of modernity’s violence …. An imperious language, which is free from the motives and perpetrators of the crime and calls out all the Muslims to apologize through the identities of the attackers. Not just apologizing, rather, a mediatic and intellectual violence that forces one into confessing. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 13, 2015
The PKK as an armed organization had turned its focus on the blood-filled acts it carried out against the state after it initiated action on Sept. 12. If the history of the past 30 years were to be written today, the clash it initiated against the state, and its toll, would take prominence. DEVAMI>>>…
Yazanemreakif on January 1, 2015
For the people, who are making an overview of 2014, the Middle East became the name of the region, where many firsts were experienced and many shocking incidents occurred. 2014 was the year where “savage, primitive, barbaric” images, which completed Western media organizations’ exotic East image, had come true. This savage and barbaric image of the East, which is being observed with an orientalist’s glasses, is not a sterile image for Europe that they could observe from a distance, as before. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on December 25, 2014
Feeling confidence is a requirement of being a person…. Being self-confident requires respecting oneself and mankind. Lack of self-confidence is an insurmountable wall that prevents a person from clinging on to life and leaving a meaningful mark on life… Over self-confidence or exaggeration of self-confidence will lead to idolizing “I”. The state of exaggerating oneself beyond self-regarding, will step into a state, where it instrumentalizes the others by placing “I” in the center of everything and makes the measures and values invisible and belittles them. DEVAMI>>>…
Yazanemreakif on December 16, 2014
It seems that while the Kurdish card will be forming one side of the new equation being established in the Middle East, the other side will be formed by the ISIL card. The conflict between Kurdish-ISIL at Kobane was composed of the staging of a regional equation in a micro scale, rather than a local crisis. Of course, the reasoning, conspiracy theories and strategic assumptions on these types of developments will not be sufficient to explain everything. Such statements can transform your own position into a tool of legitimization after talking over all the possibilities anyway. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on December 13, 2014
The announcement of the CIA’s torture report had once again exposed the truth about the multi-layered, multi-standard world system, as well as the crimes of humanity.
Being close to large countries and forming alliances with them can be seen, at the first glance, as possessing a “protective shield” for the countries, who have limited power in the military cooperation field. Especially, if this togetherness is at an advanced level in the military field, it will provide assurance against your regional rivals. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on December 11, 2014