Any intellectual who is right in their head should not protest against but rather expend effort to implement as soon as possible the opportunity for the youth to learn Ottoman Turkish. It seems like this issue will be a new source of polarization in this country, which is becoming increasingly polarized. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on December 6, 2014
A ruling by the European Court of Human Rights has defined the agenda at a time when the issue of Alevi’ism is at the forefront in the country, and when attempts are being made toward taking certain steps in the search for a solution.
This ruling, which states that compared to mosques, cemevis (Alevi houses of worship) have been discriminated against, opens to debate the status and definition of Alevis. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on December 4, 2014
Generally, diplomats don’t like people who behave like a know-it-all, and they won’t do this either. Of course, the journalists, columnists and some commentators are topping the list of those people. Some of the academicians who can develop strong arguments and slot everything in place and some columnists, because of their relations, might take this seriously. By the way, we cannot deny that the press is being highly cared about in order to form a public opinion; from time to time press members will be informed, and even they would pretend like they are asking for the press members’ opinions. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on November 25, 2014
I guess that out of all the segments, the ones that have been the most mistaken in diagnosing the Arab Spring had been – the intellectuals in Turkey being in the first place – the political and academic institutions. Even though there had been quite different reasons for that, it could be summarized as the lack of interest shown by the insensitive people towards the region, and the sensitive people’s ignorance feeding on heroism. The fact is that every segment had approached the Arab Spring by looking from their own mirror and by also looking at different countries that possess different dynamics, within the same frame… DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on November 22, 2014
The uprooting of olive trees is unlike the uprooting of any other tree. This ancient tree that grows in the Mediterranean region is mentioned in the Quran, along with the fig tree. Those that know nature is something that Allah has given us for safe keeping, and those whose minds and conscience have not been corrupted by the philosophy of enlightenment know that trees and nature are mentioned in the verses of Allah. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on November 13, 2014
Nowadays, an interesting Tunisia-Turkey analogy is being made not only in between the Turkish secular and conservative environments, but also in the politics-making centers, and predominantly in the Western media and academicians. Tunisia, the country where the first fire of the Arab Spring started with a big rumble, had entered a new period nowadays. While the apolitical revolution, which had turned into a nightmare in Libya, and ended with the junta regime in Egypt, seems to have renewed hope in Tunisia! DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on November 11, 2014
The Zionist boots, which presses on and oppresses Palestinians every day, had penetrated Mescid-i Aksa. It is being mentioned that this is a first, after the invasion of Jerusalem by the soldiers under control of the one-eyed Moşe Dayan. It is not clear whether this comment had been added to the news as an alleviant or in order to explain the gravity of the issue. However, everybody that enters Mescid-i Aksa at least knows that the bullets and explosives used in the first attacks on the Muslims’ first kiblah are being presented. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on November 8, 2014
In this country the proponent of a value has to die before it can be appreciated. Die first and then be recognized! Regardless of the worldview being hailed, their proponents are only valued after their death. Whether it is the field of thought or art, science or ideas, those that sacrifice themselves to their field of study are first disregarded or even punished by the majority. Their reputations are only restored when they die. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on November 4, 2014
Just when it looked like we were getting closer to a solution as part of the reconciliation process, an atmosphere was generated all of a sudden that points to a situation where everything has come to an end. Or the intention is that we come to such a conclusion. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 28, 2014
Ending every war is an agreement; thus this settles post-war balances. The Cold War had ended, but there had been no agreement that finished the war. Because of this, the de facto single-poled world order will be causing regional layouts and powers to appear. This case points at a chaotic period from the point of the world system. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 25, 2014