It looks like the East-West argument will be rekindled once again. What constantly meddles in people’s minds like a “horse fly”, which is the description from Peyami Safa, and is frequently discussed is actually a civilization face-off. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 21, 2014
We are turning back the clock in the Middle East and this return is bringing us to the showdown that history has made inevitable for us. Looking at the state of affairs, this is an undesirable return. The return in question is not one that suits the conceptions of those in power nor is it one that will repair the pain of frayed nerves and a battered consciousness. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 21, 2014
At the first glance the news seems interesting and quite innocent. German Prime Minister Merkel has stated that Muslims and Islamists should be distinguished from each other and added, “We are against Islamists, not Muslims.”
How consistent isn’t it? DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 18, 2014
The optimistic and calm period that began with the announcement of the reconciliation process has suddenly given way to one engulfed in flames and filled with bloodshed. The optimistic and calm period was one where the left-liberal-nationalist alliance heralded “peaceful” politics. I am afraid that we will be forced to talk a lot more about why and how we got to this point and the potential outcomes of this situation. It will probably continue with new calls being issued. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 16, 2014
With a deliberate perception method, religionist expression rhetoric had been placed into ISIL’s hand. The Islam and politics relation, radical “religionism”, and everything related with Islamism had been on the head-chopping metaphor, which appears in the press, via political-religionism. The understanding of religion, in other words, the image study related to religion that is put on ISIL, does not only consist of masked executors or militants that have smooth English, messed up hair and a beard. As for the thing pointed out in practice by the incidents that show Kobani, which started on the last day of Bayram, as the reason, its objective is the “rendering of everything related with religion in this country with ISIL”. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 9, 2014
American Vice President Biden’s frequent statements, which can be regarded as tactlessness in a diplomatic sense, can suggest the “Who are administering such a giant force?” question at the first glance. What could have been the explanation of partially declaring the country, who had been persuaded for a strategy oriented in Syria and Iraq during the most required period, as being negligent as Obama’s Vice-President did with adding the Arabic countries to the same category? Besides, how could a man, who is famous for his similar inconsistent statements and apologies straight after, be in the “No.2” position, which administers a world giant? DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 7, 2014
A photo taken during the ISIL-PYD war yesterday was really meaningful: A Kurdish warrior praying on the sand at the front…. Possibly a youngster, who had put his helmet aside and leaned his head on the sands in a prostrating position during the Kobane defense… It’s a photo that reflects the tranquility of praying, resignation, believing in something and being in peace…
A photographer on the other side could have caught the same frame from his objective. However, almost all of the religious-themed pictures related with ISIL were scary and spreading terror. A violence that is associated with religion and principlism perception is constantly being mentioned in the press. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 4, 2014
We are encountering a situation similar to the case when – prior to its Iraq invasion – the US imposed on Turkey a memorandum in 2003. At that time, due to the rising voice of the public conscience and the pressure reflected in the parliament and despite the compelling preference of the politics, the memo was not passed. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on October 2, 2014
The credit of the states in the Middle East is bound with their coalition against ISIL. The fabric of the region, which was ruined with Uncle Sam’s bombs, is now being fixed with the new bombs! Your global credit is rising to the amount of your bombs through your participation in the coalition!
The media influence and domination of the US rather than its real power is still holding the force to determine the future of the politicians of the region. To participate in the war coalition or not determines the stigmatization of the politicians or their “anti-terror” strategic alliance position. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on September 25, 2014
After the events in Iraq and Syria, it’s hard to anticipate if the political landscapes will change or not. However, but what is certain is that the century old equation will no longer be valid. After this moment, the question is who is going to set the equation. It’s worth to brainstorm brainstorming as to what the price of re-establishment by the colonialist statuesque will be, given that it was once built to at the cost of the an empire’s destruction of an empire after the world warWorld War I. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under English
Yazanemreakif on September 23, 2014