Muhafazakarlığın “entelektüel iktidar”la imtihanı
Muhafazakarların iktidarla imtihanları sanılanın aksine sadece akçeli işlerden, ihalelerde görülen sapmalardan ibaret değil. Zihinsel bir kırılma pahasına entelektüel iktidarla kurdukları ilişki biçimlerinde daha vahim sonuçlar ortaya çıkıyor. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on December 4, 2010
Is Syria ready for the “Muslim Brotherhood Initiative”?
I find the rapprochement between Syria and Turkey important in spite of all the reservations of the Baath regime. This is more than just a regime issue from the perspective of both Turkey and Syria.
Before anything else, the walls that were artificially placed between the people who have been intertwined by the common civilization of a geographical area must be torn down. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on August 18, 2010
Turkey in limits of USA’s strength and weakness
The first meeting on the weekend after tension between Turkey and America which was triggered by Turkey’s “no” vote on the UN Security Council’s embargo against Iran gives some interesting clues in regard to new global balances and crises. The signs from the meeting are even more striking than the sudden start of PKK attacks (or more correctly, their being made obvious), the tensions on the Israeli line suddenly being made to flare up in the Turkish media and the statements made at the end of the Obama-Erdoğan meeting. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on July 1, 2010
Zionist occupation has reached Turkey shores
We learned about the 1967 war when the bodies of the dead washed up on our shores. We were so estranged from one another then in a geography where we share a common fate that officially Turkey did not give it importance. In fact, it saw no harm in covertly cooperating with the Zionist oppressors… DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on June 23, 2010
Debating “the end of the Europe myth”
At a time when an attempt is being made to bury Turkey in internal politics again and especially when new hopes are being pumped up by producing elitist Gandhis, important ruptures should not be overlooked. At least essential global discussions at the bottom of the agenda should not be overlooked by intellectuals. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, Düşünce, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on June 1, 2010
Turkey’s opportunity to veto Israel
Ignoring every kind of diplomatic courtesy and practice, the Israeli Foreign Minister’s comparing Turkey’s Prime Minister to a pharaoh means that either he has great self-confidence or he is not aware of what is happening in the world. In this sense ironically a “Saddam psychology” dominates Israeli rulers. It is a misleading delusion that sees the world from its own narrow window and is imprisoned in the narrow horizon of its own story of power and legitimacy. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on April 8, 2010
Suriye’yle yalancı bahar
Türk dış politikasında son yıllarda gözlemlenen en önemli değişim Suriye ile kurulan ilişkilerde yaşandı. En uzun toprak sınırı ve en uzun tarihi paylaşıma rağmen düşman kalabilmeyi başarmış iki ülke olarak değişim çok hızlı oldu. İki ülke arasındaki yakın geçmiş yaşanmamış gibi daha derin geçmişle bağ kurulmuştu. İkili ilişkilerde diplomatik düzeyde başlayan iyileşme vizelerin kaldırılmasıyla adeta toplumsal boyut kazandı. Bir zamanlar tel örgüler arkasında yapılan bayramlaşma manzaraları Ortadoğu’nun kendi kendini hapsedişinin göstergesi gibiydi. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 26, 2010
This kind of diplomacy for this kind of “mentality”
Many people did not find appropriate the diplomatic method Israel used to show reaction to Turkey. The primitive diplomatic behavior Israel resorted to brought out something important: its image more than what Israel is… In particular, in Turkey it is known that a pro-Israeli stance that reduces pro-Westernism to being Israel-centered is dominant in both the Turkish Foreign Service and the Westernized elite. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Düşünce, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on January 17, 2010
Yardım kuruluşu ne değildir?
Batılıların NGO dedikleri hükümet dışı organizasyonlar toplumsal talepleri karşılamak üzere örgütlenmiş sivil inisiyatiflerdir. Sivil toplum denilen olgu da bizdeki anlamıyla bu organizasyon türüyle alakalı olsa da kavram olarak Hegel’e kadar götürülebilir. Sivil toplum kuruluşlarının en büyük özelliği gönüllülük esasına dayanması, kar amaçlı olmaması ve en önemlisi de siyasetten bağımsız olmasıdır. DEVAMI>>>…
Yazanemreakif on January 12, 2010
Before imposing a new “Dayton” on Bosnia…
In recent days because the eyes of almost everyone from politicians to journalists are necessarily on our eastern neighbors and Southeastern Turkey, no one can pay much attention to events taking place in the Balkans. When our characteristic of being a society with a memory problem is taken into consideration, then there is nothing strange about the situation. DEVAMI>>>…
Posted under Dünya, English, Siyaset
Yazanemreakif on October 23, 2009