It’s a fact, there is no genuine, convincing reason for Israel to justify the attack against Gaza. It is apparent that Israel wants to use the operation against Gaza as an excuse to build up for a new era.
Israel is resorting to peculiar ways in order to establish a new Middle East and Palestine equation through the blood of Palestinians. It is their endeavor to set a new balance at a time when the Middle East is divided due to the impotence of Arabs and while Palestinians are at their weakest political and military level.
Israel again primarily broke the attempts of the Palestinians on their way to unite a joint government. Obligated to collaborate under the Abbas administration, after a long-term transformation process, Hamas and Al-Fateh were not even allowed to launch their new alliance.
Through a likely reconciliation government, Hamas could force Israel at least to stay within the 1967 borders. It seems that even such reconciliation is discomforting for Israel. In this case, the question of what Israel wants to do comes to mind. Does Israel only want to annihilate Hamas?
Before answering this question, we must recall a significant detail. Israel did not only blow up the reconciliation between Hamas and Al Fatah, but at the same time declared that it did not recognize the bilateral state solution alternative. What we can infer at this point is: the Zionist invaders want to defeat Palestinians through bombardment. However, the same Zionist colonialist must know very well that a vibrant nation like the Palestinians cannot be defeated in this way.
True, one of the initial targets of Israel is to collapse Islamic organizations, which it does not recognize and which are presented to the world as terrorists. Even when an organization like the Muslim Brotherhood was declared a terrorist group and extracted from the equation, no one would have objected to removing its Palestinian extension. They then gave a blank check to the slaughter in Palestine in the name of a struggle against terror. The idea, that the political and military support was based on a future agenda, sent out its signals yesterday.
In an article that was published in the Israeli press yesterday, it was mentioned while Israel was laying aside the bilateral state solution; it was favoring a triple state solution. That is, a ‘two nations and three states’ formula.
According to the plan, Palestine is divided into Gaza and West Bank, which are considered geographically and politically separate structures. On the one hand, the notion of not allowing a state in the West Bank is defended; a triple state plan is forced on the other. In other words, it looks like a plan to cut Gaza off from Palestine. Regionally speaking, we don’t perceive the Gaza bombardment as an attack on Palestine. Instead, we scream ‘aid to Gaza’.
Meanwhile we as lovers of Palestine don’t even find ourselves strong enough to raise the essential question: the question of the occupation of Jerusalem . The last example of how the new equation is being balanced through the Gaza slaughter emerged with the incorporation of Egypt with Sisi into the plan. Sisi’s involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict means to re-secure the plan of Camp David.
According to a news report in the Israel press yesterday, the short-term cease-fire attempt that was called ‘abort’ was implemented as a result of the western troika demand, and the telephone conversation between Netanyahu and Sisi, which was a secret until the last minute. On the rejection of Hamas, in the shortly spanned cease-fire, the mission assigned to Sisi was involved closely in the Middle East equation. The Middle East plan seeks to be entrusted to a more controllable, weaker political actor, but more importantly, a regime, which would block the public demands from being reflected onto the political arena.
Therefore, Egypt and Sisi were added to the equation within the events ranging from Syria to Palestine in order to take on its old role.
One thing has been forgotten. Neither can the people of the region be silenced like they were in the past, nor can they remain isolated from the world; nor do the equation setters maintain their old power. Their only advantage is to engage war against Islam through fraudulent organizations. I am sure that the Muslim discernment and historical experience will spoil this game, despite everything that is taking place.
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Editör emreakif on July 17, 2014