The conflicts that occur sometimes are casual. The most explicit example is Iraq in which the sectarian conflicts have been started to being fuelled. Being together Shi’is and Sunnies is not a reason for a sectarian fighting in the region that is the center of Shi’a. Thus, the sectarian and ethnic segregations/ conflicts are new modern illness for the region and unfamiliar tendencies in terms of its history and social structure.
It is not possible to answer the question that who triggered these conflicts and why without analyzing the forces which might use either a sectarian collision based on Sunni- Shi’a or the other based on Arab-Kurdish-Turks as a strategic trump card. Although appearing both the conflicts based on ethnic and based on sectarian differences at the same time means commotion, they based ethnic and sectarian level must be evaluated separately in terms of their predictable consequences. Look attention, there is not the conflict based on ethnical in Iraq while the one based on sectarian is being instigated. In this frame, possible scenarios can be thought:
1-it is possible that some foreign fighters such as Zerkhavi group that unpleased because of having Iraq the structure based Shi’a may aim Shiites. In fact, theirs real aim to create an atmosphere in which USA may fail in Iraq. Their religious ideas that evaluate Shiites as enemy and out of the religion is not the real reson for their behaviours.
2- The very pleased country because of happenings cause the disintegration of Iraq is Israel. The ethnic and sectarian conflicts give the strategic advantage to Israel to predominate over the region.
3- USA is uneasy the dominant role of Shi’is affected by Iran. It is unlikely that a structure based on Shi’a through it’s religious leadership will embody rebuilding of Iraq strongly. Shi’a based Iraq means the appearing of new Shi’a geo-strategic line in the region. If Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Nusairies minorities administration and the very important Shi’i population in the Gulf region gather together, it would means the ceding of the petrol regions into the Shi’a policies. And those developments may cause to have an significant role Iran over both the petrol policies of the world and the region. The probability that the petrol regions may be controlled by radical Shi’i groups is giving trouble USA.
4- That happenings affect Saudi Arabia more deeply. Saudi Arabia is discomfort because of Iraq’s new structure weighted Shi’a according to both domestic political balance and the official religious manner of the state.
5-USA have understood that it made a mistake by excluding sunnies by supposing all of them as Baas sympathizers. At this point, it must be underlined that Saddam administration wasn’t the Sunni administration. Ýt didn‘t respected to neither Shi’a nor Sunni Ýslam approaches. Ýt was just secular and Stalinist despotism. You should pay attention that there is an interesting coincidence between the time of the efforts made by USA to implicate Sunni groups into the process and the time of the growing of the sectarian conflicts that might appal Shi’a dominance.
6- The question is important to understand all of these events: Why don’t ethnical differences that mean the sensitive tension subject at least as Sunni-Shi’a conflicts cause conflicts while Sunni-Shi’a conflicts is rising? How can it be explained that the body that is the strategic alliance of Israel in the North Iraq and the more ambitious compare with Shiites about the cooperation with USA doesn’t lead any Arab- Kurdish conflicts?
7-Some forces that compete with USA but avoid to settle old accounts with it fight with each other in Iraq. Each of them has different strategies and USA has made the fighting area without considering Iraqis lives and blood.
8- Consequently, USA expect and demand that the rising sectarian conflicts would diminish the influences of Shiites in Iraq. The marginal groups like Zerkavi may incite all kinds of conflicts which can drag USA in a ruin.
lgili YazlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editr emreakif on November 30, 2007