I don’t know if you are aware of it, but lately there is an ocular increase in the number of assassinated foreigners in Turkey. Almost all of their common feature is being Central Asian or Caucasian-rooted and conducting political opposition against the one-man methods, which is turning into some kind of diktat.
After the Soviet period, the opposition groups, which put their Islamic identities forward, experienced the greatest victimization in a political sense in Turkish Republics. Most of those movements had been oppressed with gory actions. Though, some of those trends, which wanted to do politics under legal conditions, had been prosecuted and terrorized by the old Soviet type of provocations. The oppression had been so intense that new, independent countries turned into massive prisons. Thus, the objective had been reached; the opposition had been pushed around with violence in some places. There couldn’t have been nothing more legitimate then oppressing the “radical religious terror” ! Bloody government violence wasn’t even regarded worthy of being reprimanded by the world that is the apostle of freedom.
The people,who had been forced to leave their countries are not only limited to political leaders. Religion scholars, intellectuals, academicians and journalists, who carry some influence on the communal and religious field, traveled to other countries. Some of those requested political asylum in Western Europe. Besides, a substantial part of them preferred Turkey in order to have the opportunity to live as Muslims. Turkey’s position and religious cultural worries had been arbiter in their preference. They ran away from the historical Turkistan geography, which extended from Tajikistan to Ozbekistan and from Afghanistan to Caucasians, in a wider sense, from Russia and the nation states that were detached from the old Soviet administration.
When we randomly have a look at the list of the deceased, the prominent ones are; Umarali Kuvatov, Tajiki, 6 March 2015; Abdullah Buhari, Özbek antagonist, 10 December 2014; Ali Usayev, Chechen, 26 February 2009; Zaurbek Amirev, Rüstem Altemirov and Berg-Khazh Musaev, Chechen, 2011; Chechenya’s Ichkeria Honorary Consulate, 22 May 2013… and many more Chechen assassinations that could be added to this list….
The list of victims and antagonists, who were trying to live between life and death with the fear of death, who are the most dynamic and mature people accumulation of communities and who escaped from oppression, is quite long. The antagonists, who possess different political tendencies and who deserted Syria, Iraq, Egypt, North Africa and sought shelter in Turkey, are excluded from this list.
When approached in this aspect, it could be said that once upon a time, Turkey started to open its doors to different antagonists of Western Europe. Besides, while these incomings easily adapted to Turkey, it could be said that each of them formed a ring from their own supporters/fans. On the other hand, the failure in providing these people’s life safety, shutting doors on them and even returning them back, especially due to China’s and Russia’s political oppression, is shameful for Turkey…
The pursuit of the antagonists’ voices, who had been intimidated and dispersed by bloody methods at the expense of civil war, by the oppressive regimes had become ordinary in the world and Turkey. Now, nobody is questioning the administrations of these dictators, neither from the point of freedom nor human dignity.
However, the slaughters of intellectuals, political leaders and scholars, who were trying to live in exile in order to stay alive and save their lives, had been inured. The protection of these names and formations, which has no other effectiveness than criticizing the existing regimes and which are on a symbolical level, are ascribing an important responsibility on Turkey.
However, the lack of pressure applied on the political willpower behind these murders, staying silent as if confirming it, are encouraging the diktat regimes even more.
Strategic worries, economic interests, preservation of the status-quo in post-Soviet Turkish Republics, almost resulted with the freezing of the post-Soviet era. The essential reason of the Ukraine crisis was the fact that the agreement was not sustainable, as well as the fact that the sides did not act accordingly to the agreement.
The similar situation is also valid for Turkish Republics. Due to their geo-strategic positions, military importance and energy resources, their indispensability in an economic sense seems to sustain the status quo. However, the unestablished balance pursuit after the Cold War forced the status quo to produce justifications in order to legitimize every kind of unjust administration.
The fear is that similar murders will not stop. However, there are two scenarios, which will legitimize this or at least prevent the reaction of the world, that had been put on stage. One is the rise of Islamophobia in the West and the propaganda that relates these individual actions with Islam and Muslimism. The other one is the violence, which had been invented in the Middle East, produced by geo-strategic reasons, directed at legitimizing every type of international operation. This is the point where the paths of rival global forces and the regional tyrannies that are attempting to sustain their rulership under these forces’ shadows coincide… One of them is the terror of fighting against terror in the name of universal values, and, the other one is the government terror that is being overlooked for the sake of global financial expectations…. Both of them consist of a network, which makes out the invoice of the interest war on Muslims and the Islam geography.
lgili YazlarEnglish
Editr emreakif on March 14, 2015