When we talk about reading the alternative history, of course first of all, the last  times of the Ottoman Empire and the disputes on the first years of the establishment of the Republic come to mind. The tension between the things that the fictioned history teach and hide is the only difference of the political position for a majority. The ideological historicalness will go on feeding the rival political rhetorics as the dilemma of the fictioned and forbidden-to-speak history ( formal-informal) is so strongly discriminated.
Mostly apart from reading the alternative history restricted with a certain period of our near history , as a result of the “political attitudes” we were not tought the more complicated domains of the history that directly effect us even if we stay away.
In the comprehension of the global policy that we pass through, especially about the period performing the conditions of the Cold War, the policy-history relation passing forward the rhetoric cannot be established. Once, the speech that the leftists developed in the name of anti-imperialism was not only missing but also it was understood as a propaganda on the Soviet side.
Recently there was the 60th  anniversary of the two bombs hit Japan ending the World War II. The two atomic bombs first thrown to Hiroshima and then to Nagasaki  resulted with the death of hundreds of thousands of people.The World War II officially ended with the surrender of Japan and over the blood bath with the declaration of victory of the “independent world” over fascism.
The official speech was based on the salvation of the independent world even if it hundreds thousands of civilians died.
As the ones looking inside the history of the World War II know, for the surrender of Japan and ending the war, there was no need to throw two atomic bombs. Japan could not continue the war and had already lost it.
It was very clear that America did not have another aim apart from confirming the certain determinative of the war over the political results. Namely  America that did not want to lose the winner of the war tittle has both obtained the determinative position of the Cold War period and  the nuclear superiority with the two consequent bombs that it threw on Japan.
The atomic bombs that hit Japan, were thrown more than on Japan, on the future enemy after the Cold War, the Soviets. Hundreds thousands of Japanese were chosen as vicitims.
The views of massacre after Qana was bombed by Israel, are exhibiting a similar moral problem sixty years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The children of a civilization that considers no moral problem after throwing two atomic bombs to be a material for the fictioned history, today are making moral discimination about  the values of the dead civilians.
We must look at the bases of Hiroshima and Nagasaki  why Israel by bombing the towns, on the contrary of the things claimed, using the civilians as shields, why America does not see the Israeli and Lebanese civilisians “morally equal”.
We can understand why a government that does not hesitate to terminate hundreds thousands of people for its own hegomania does not say anything for the Israeli nuclear weapons. We can understand why the Israeli Prime Mininster is sheding blood in order to give lesson to the countries of the region and who he takes this support from.
It is not a symbollic similarity why Qana massacre happened on the 60th anniversary of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki massacre. A last meesage that a colllapsed civilization can  give to the humanity…The humanity must think about  why America needed to commit such a big human crime as Hiroshima and Nagasaki in order to replace its own hegomania to the top.
And the future those who market the universal values to the Middle East will present to the world…
A new Middle East is wanted to be constructed by commiting a new humanity crime.
A “No nuclear weapons”  speech away from policy is only helping those who have nuclear power. In a way it is comforting the conscience of  the West. We can neithter object colonialism nor  Israel’s bloodsheding without questioning the world and its values based on commiting the “nuclear humanity crime.” Because Israel is playing the role of little America that wants to play big. More than the numbers look at the speeches and the moral attitutes of the leaders: What difference can there be between the massacre of hundreds of thousands of innocents and hundreds of them?… No morally ruined country can be eternal.
Ýlgili YazýlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editör emreakif on November 30, 2007