In an age like ours where the communication technology has so much improved, we can predict that the privacy, state secrets and military intelligence cannot remain totally as a secret. Thanks to the intelligence activities and their sophisticated methodologies, advanced technologies, as individuals we are under surveillance unprecedented throughout human history. Our ‘freedom’ amounts to the capacity of our surveillance. In as much as the state has developed the sophisticated intelligence methods, it provides us the sentiment of freedom to that extent. Since the traditional state mechanism applies this auditing with primitive methods, it establishes its own control through more sensible, compelling, violence-bearing ways.
It is almost impossible not to live through information leaking. And absolute confidentiality in the communication age is impossible. The only possible way to keep away from the vis-a-vis contact with the technological control is to have a place with no use of technology.
Just as this situation applies to the private life of an individual, it also applies to the strategic information and secrets of states, too. The technologically more advanced states become able to control the less advanced ones and track them. How possible is it to avoid this? To make an attempt in order to develop an exclusive strategic technology in certain communication and certain software fields may be fruitful in certain fields. For example, the method of Israel and Germany’s appeal in software and digital technology is a good example for this.
In a game of relentless states, to seek shelter under allegiances, a friendship means that we are leaving our country to the hand of politics, conscience of international interests. In recent days, the domestic and international wiretapping operations concerning Turkey indicate that it is a phenomenon of a political reason necessity, which cannot be reduced to an indispensable outcome of advanced technology.
That Germany, the US intelligence NSA and British intelligence wiretapped Turkey tells us much more than a simple spy novel. What is awkward here is that while the US was wiretapping Turkey, it realized a common tracking activity.
German’s Der Spiegel reported that the ex-NSA employee Edward Snowden who leaked information from the secret documents there are some thought provoking aspects even if they are not quite surprising. Apart from everything, the questions as to why these documents and why these certain parts have been shared now at this time should definitely have room in our minds. The second thing is: what kind of activities would be more attractive to intelligence activities more than the strategic, economic and even the ideological interests of the wiretapper? His or her priorities can give us some clues and hints to catch the person. At the same time, you can weigh the specific weight of the corresponding state which performs the wiretapping.
For example, according to the leaked information, in what fields has Turkey been tracked? Why did England get interested in energy issues and why did it track the ministry of energy and why did the US wiretap the diplomatic missions?
Just as it has been confirmed from the leaked information, it is known that the American intelligence NSA’s official contact office SUSLAT is performing in Ankara. If we simply remember the old times when there was nothing secretive that even certain units in Turkish intelligence were receiving their paycheck from the U.S., this is not a big deal. Moreover, given the fact that until very recently our relationship lasted with MOSSAD, one could ironically argue by looking at this situation and say that the best policy of secrecy would be allover transparency to the foreign intelligence. A more concrete issue in terms of intelligence strategy is that while the US gave a moment support in the struggle against PKK, it still was tracking Turkey at the same time. Just as its support and intelligence sharing does not require us to be self-assured with the US support and friendship; it requires being read this from political, international strategic plans and perspectives.
Only few politicians and those who have life experience could guess that there is so much indecent and unprincipled behavior in the game of the states within the field of micro intelligence. It does not require being a great statesman to understand that the same applies to macro-strategies too.
The fact that Turkey is a member of NATO in the western allegiance means having special relationships with the US and having the regional interests in common. So, the role designed for Turkey does not isolate this macro-strategic hypocrisy.
Let us take a look at the recent period. While the US has given Turkey a founding role in the Middle East for opening the way, we realize that it has set traps against Turkey in the continuation of the same concept. We don’t have to go through a bitter experience in order to realize how Turkey is being pushed to take up a role model in the Middle East while it is being set in a trap. Reading novels, the themes of which are about the global empire’s imperial interests, can be as much fun as reading detective novels, but the price of destruction that it would leave behind can be truly gross. The Middle East is confronting this scenario in which the destruction power is really high.
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Editör emreakif on September 2, 2014