Every term, when popularized, loses its content. Everything with a meaningful content may be evaporated. What we are living through is assessed in terms of emptied values, relationships and interests. Our minds strive to observe developments through their narrow strategic outcomes and goals and our same minds are trying to produce counter-strategies. Yet, when it”s considered that an effective strategy, determined value and experience don”t exist, it is impossible not to fall into the trap of Machiavellian indecency.
The process, which began with the Arab Spring, the incidents in the aftermath of the internal war in Syria, the ISIL equation and finally reading the counter-strategy of the US reducing it to the basis of power relationships, is pushing us into being a figurant in a scenario in which we do not belong in the setting.
If we analyze the language of the political authorities and their developed analyses with the presentation of the ISIL news reports on media, we may well conclude that there is a problem of civilization perspective. This is the medium where it best manifests actually. Consider taking a look at what is going on from the civilization perspective, which everyone freely uses for every situation relevant or non-relevant and thus emptied its content.
Let”s first check the media language.
Both the western leaders and the media are showing quite a vibrant neo-orientalist approach in terms of the content and discourse they use on the ISIL media news. Since the onset, ISIL has been described and treated repeatedly as being an extremely wild, barbaric, pornographic murder organization.
This was not simply a propaganda technique which was designed to condition the public or the counter minded for the future operations in order to convict what is purely presented as a “terror organization”. It cannot have eluded their notice. The news that use women and the bodies of women are quite known. The news about the abduction of the Yazidi or even Shiite women and their being sold as sex servants has been often quite expressive for some time. Even so, the news which talk about the bodies of women Muslim allegedly western women residing in the west and yet participating into this organization portray one more time the difference between the reality and the media language.
This language which re-creates the Neo-orientalism is not simply a propaganda tool of course. The “jihadist Islam” image, which becomes re-produced appealing to the western cultural codes, is in fact a new-form-reproduction of unconfessed, repressed and existing judgments about Islam. It is true that a propaganda, advertisements, political campaigns in as much as deciphering the cultural codes of their target audience, they are successful. It can”t be ignored that this mindset concieves Boko Haram in Africa and its similar equivalents in the Middle East, with the Taliban in Afghanistan as being in the same package regardless of their quite different perspectives.
Both in term s of image and the word, the produced neo-orientalism discourse aims at sabotaging all the values concerning the origin. The question, as to why such a brutal agitation can be accepted so easily and quickly in countries where the education and information capacity is the most developed, cannot be explained without the context of civilization.
This situation is intimately related to the state of Muslims. If Muslims could have well analyzed Taliban, or ISIL mindsets had been accurately informed, today probably they would not have become underestimated in their own righteous cause. The fact is that neo-salafi perspectives, such as ISIL, who lack the civilization perspective, led them to be pushed aside from the age and the cause, which they became mobilized for and wasted at the end. Aside from reducing every incident to the foreign powers conspiracy, they give out a copious amount of works to those who follow an absolutist religious understanding denying history, trading, accumulation and religious excommunication. Of course, this material does not more than helping orientalists. The prejudice that still exists is being reproduced with the neo-orientalist perspective, which allows an abundant access for imprisoning all the values and impositions of Islam. Of course, there are political, social and psychological justifications behind resistance. A deep question is the management of how such justifications should not to imprison, sabotage the values of Islam, or in other words, lower the matter to a caricaturization of,these values, which also requires profundity. A movement, which does not have any civilization perspective, cannot catch up to its time period nor can it say anything to its generation other than voiding his argument.
Neo-orientalism uses all the politics of a shallow, excommunicative perception of neo-orientalism and its militarized form in order to convict Islam and all the claims and impositions of Islam. It does not stop there.
It chokes the truth which makes an imposition and that it resists to unfairness and hypocrisy of liberal politics and the global economic exploitation, which nurtures on financial capitalism. The Neo-Orientalism, which feeds on the western civilization, will use the young reactionary people against the religion. These people are deprived of profundity, the quality of our imagination and contemplation in our civilization but they are well organized and nurturing on fury and violence. If those who had a claim to be an alternative with their belonging civilization against the continuity in the perception of civilization which exists in the background of the neo-orientalist discourse, if it had any accuracy, the situation would not have become so caricaturized and they would not have submitted to a blind comprehension.
Regardless of what happens with the mediatic blackout, the mindsets of those who are on the field are not so different from this discourse.
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Editör emreakif on September 13, 2014