I should state this from the beginning; this article is not the examination of Salafism or another superstitious, practical sect in terms of theology. Within the frame of the Koran and Sunnah, a Muslim can adapt to different comments and opinions. In this context, it’s self-evident that there is a right to choose within Islamic understandings.
The results and manifestations of the cultural, sociological aspects of the religion’s relativity and sectarian understanding can be argued separately from this. It’s worth examining the questions; why did the understanding of religion, which is named New Salafism and stays close to Wahhabism, gain more extensity and become a charm within certain circles/geographies, and how did it trigger the dynamism? Especially in the regions where the Hanafi/Sunni/Sufistic tradition is dominant and this tradition’s strong manifestations are represented until today, the political and sociological reasons of why these kind of objector, exclusivist, irreconcilable attitudes are deemed proper among the youngsters, even though their group is a minority, and should be emphasized in all seriousness rather than it’s religious aspects.
Without a doubt, we are not talking about a communal period that develops on its own. Some political manipulations had great contributions in the creation of this understanding, which doesn’t contravene with the traditional religious structure and the sociocultural tissue. Feeling anger and rage towards the factors and conditions that pave the way and encourage the religious understandings of formations like Al-Qaida and ISIL, instead of understanding and analyzing them, is not sufficient to solve the issue.
Actually, when we retrogress, we can easily see how these developments are weaved step by step.
Before going too far, a couple of previews from the close geography might be explanatory enough. Since I had been intensely interested in the Balkans even before the collapse of Yugoslavia, I think that I can see small developments in this region, which are unnoticed from a distance, beforehand. Two things were revealed during the breaking down period of Yugoslavia: The first one is Muslims embarked on a quest of identity and by making use of the freedom environment, which is experienced relatively, they had started to cling on to whatever is out there in the name of religion. Another matter, which seems less important although it is an indicator, is the severance of the communication-interaction between the Muslims that existed in the Yugoslavia period. Also in the countries like Albania and Bulgaria, where more strict administrations are conducted, the gap that appeared within the religious field had started to be filled gropingly in
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Editör emreakif on August 14, 2014