The announcement of the CIA’s torture report had once again exposed the truth about the multi-layered, multi-standard world system, as well as the crimes of humanity.
Being close to large countries and forming alliances with them can be seen, at the first glance, as possessing a “protective shield” for the countries, who have limited power in the military cooperation field. Especially, if this togetherness is at an advanced level in the military field, it will provide assurance against your regional rivals.
Even if the intimacy, which is established between a country like the US and a small or medium-scaled country, states equivalence according to the reciprocity principle as a necessity of diplomatic practices, the picture frames, where the leaders are standing side by side, shouldn’t fool anyone.
Even the US’s intimate relation with countries, who are on the way to becoming a regional power, doesn’t mean “favorable”, as it’s assumed. The military relations are especially equal to complete dependency relations. The cost of the assurance in return for the bases and privileges you will give to the US might not be quite moral. However, the administrator elite maintain their rulership under the shadow of a super power, and your country will be ready for the use of every kind of operation as a satellite in the safe waters. There are many existing documents, literatures and rhetoric related with the safety and dependency relations, and especially, concerning the meaning of a relation established with a power like the US. Particularly during the Cold War years, a publication, regarding the US’s weaknesses and contradictions on the not-so-critical matters, had been done skillfully by the opposing Western sources and Soviet propaganda activities.
However, not much had been said about the moral aspect of these intimacies, in other words, these asymmetric alliances. The moral issue of the American policies, which are covered up with national interests, has not gained the official document quality after the documented CIA tortures had been transmitted to the Senate Report. At least part of the truths, which had been revealed previously by Snowden, had become an ordered official document.
Even though the details of the CIA’s diabolical practices resort to terror, they are predictable. The talents of an organization, which is giving lessons about the torture techniques to the guided intelligence services around the world, is in front us more concretely. The unbelievable techniques of psychologists, who look like scientists, social scientists and experts, who crawl at the nerve endings of the human body, had turned into an official document. The names of the countries, who are feeling uneasy about how their names would be used in the news, had been published in the news, which had been leaked to the media by creating a perception operation on the same day when the CIA reports would be announced. This list of countries, which were convicted of torture, was published as a stabilizer to the CIA practices…. A balancing map, as if the Middle Eastern and Latin American countries have the skill to kidnap people like the CIA and torture them in the secret centers in foreign countries. In this media operation, while the perception that the US is facing their dirty businesses is being established, at the same time, the established perception balance of the torture becomes a reason for the oppression to be underestimated. After all, the American community is a confessor community!
The moral and remorse aspect of the torture is indisputable.
However, the moral aspect, which had been revealed in the recent CIA report, has blatantly shown us how the countries had been associated to a crime against humanity and immorality by means of bribery. Besides, this immoral bribery relation is not showing up in guided third world countries or colonial countries. An immoral cooperation is being made with a country like Poland, which is a member of the “first class alliance” NATO and is within a structure like the European Union, that preaches “universal principles”. In the 2000s, even though many news articles, which state that there are secret torture centers in separate NATO countries and that agonizing interrogations were being conducted in the sky by means of making prisoner exchanges from military bases, had been published, nobody had brought these practices in those countries to account. However, the Poland example had confirmed the moral price of special intimacies with this type of powers, even if you are under the roof of an alliance like NATO or within a union like the EU, which “defends the values that have high standards”.
As it’s understood from the reports, officially an economic bribe had been given in exchange for the secret torture center given to the CIA…. In other words, a national bribe had been paid to a country in exchange for torture.
As long as the international system, in which the “politically correct but morally wrong” principle is valid, is not questioned, two-faced policies in the name of universal principles will continue. International institutions like the European Union and the American Congress will continue to publish the report of violations of civil rights in the world.
It means that even though the smaller authoritarian structures suffer oppression time to time, these practices will continue.
The Poland example should be a lesson for the world, especially for countries like us. It should always be kept in mind that the essential structure of the American democracy possesses a military character.
By the way, it is proven with experience that the subject, about which other countries had been associated with this crime against humanity, cannot be hidden for too long.
lgili YazlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editr emreakif on December 11, 2014