Weaknesses that are unique to individuals can also reflect on corporations at times. You can immediately see the reflection of these weaknesses on the structures formed by a community which has made lack of organization and discipline a habit. In the end, there is nothing more understandable than behaviors that are manifestated in the material world that are reflected in corporate identity.
We don’t really pay much attention when weaknesses, that are unique to individuals, are slyly reflected on corporations, expressions and politics. Arrogance is a weakness and even a spiritual sickness unique to individuals. This condition does not compliment anybody, especially a Muslim. People who cannot get over their arrogance have a maggot davouring all their spirituality from within. If the harm of arrogance in people was only limited to an inner-struggle, then, as people observing from the outside, we wouldn’t recognize it. Since arrogance is an attitude that appears in human relations, it gives itself away quickly and makes its an individual repulsive to others.
How can malfunctions in a person’s inner-world have a reflection on expressions, corporations and ideologies? Ultimately, everything that comes out of a person is a result of the positive and negative features of this individual. If it wasn’t so, we would have to think that inner-features like sincerity, geniuneness, goodness, passion and arrogance have no effect on the results of our actions. Then for what reasons do we say, ‘Everything happens for a reason’, expect blessings or often realize the good in something after it has been taken away? These are topics exempting the explanation of a rational mind.
You can either support or criticize Kemalizm in terms of ideology, religion and politics. The biggest disease from which it suffered, which is often ignored by all these analyses, is its attitude of arrogance, that, in practical terms, is reflected on all its actions. This Kemalist arrogance is the best representation of how a moral condition special to people can reflect on an ideology. The unavoidable consequence for those who worship their own power and universalizes their statements, is being humiliated. Kemalist arrogance is a sickness that is transmitted from the arrogance of modernism. When modernism burns all the bridges with the divine and ‘kills God’, it is often too late to recognize that in doing so it has also killed humanity as well, as ‘there is no humanity without God’. Modernism’s arrogance originates from the passion of greatness, which came to life with people’s riots and glossed with material success. As modernism places humanity in a dilemma, it doesn’t seem possible that this can be fixed by the critiques of postmodern times. Only post-modernism could trample on modernism’s swagger and bring it down a peg. Modern people were enslaved to arrogance. Still, post-modernism is something within modernism.
The shortsightedness of the owners of Kemalist arrogance immediately became clear with the hubris syndrome. If the Kemalist elitism in Turkey has lost its dignity to a great extent, the reason for it should be, along with many other reasons, being enslaved to their arrogance. On top of that, as a punishment to their morale, they had been defeated by the segment of society that they humiliated and excluded the most. This arrogance wasn’t only consisting of a denominational supremacy syndrome, there was an arrogance in Kemalizm that indwells in its own expression. Expressions that opposes the divine and religion, acts like some kind of a god and idolizes the belated enlightened mind’s wisdom, science… Their status had been shaken up by the ‘foggy-minded, regressive, children of the dark’ who were humiliated, ignored and waged war against with this exact expression!
However, while the arrogance, that receives the privileged, had shaken up their political and denominational statuses, this doesn’t mean that their world along with its expressions, which they had constructed has come to an end. While the arrogant are now feeling humiliated, this doesn’t necessarily mean that their expressions are not embraced by others. What we were witnessing was the material manifestations of their share of spiritual punishments.
But, if new political arrogance is constructed, they will also experience a similar consequence. Submission, sincerity, justice, equity, keeping calm, giving every job its right – from politics to enforcement – without getting carried away by the charm of material success… People should always be aware of arrogance and the trap of arrogant expressions, which destroys all the virtuousness and tears down all the castles built in the name of humanity and ideals…
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Editör emreakif on July 3, 2014