To find the answers to these questions, if you want to learn the reactions of the authorities in Tehran and the circumstance of the people under threat, it is certain that you will get nothing.
The ones who observe the general atmosphere here can feel as if they are not in a country that is branding the most important mattter of talk in the agenda of the world. A general atmosphere that as if  this is not the targetted country to be hit by America anytime. The traffic problem of Tehran, the way that the people of Iran live peculiar to themselves as the usual…
The Iranian authorities do not say anything apart from the things they had repeated before. “It is the legal right of every nation to use the nuclear energy.” Iran wants to own this energy for peaceful aims. It was not a new speech for me while listening to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Muttaki repeating they were not after “hegemony but the establishment of the international justice” while addressing to the Latin American delegation in The Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS).
Behind all these ordinary and never minding attitudes, Iran is trying to develop a different “political language”. In the hall that I was in, there were tens of participants from Argentina, Cuba, Venezuella and the other Latin American countries. Moreover the Minister of  Commerce of Cuba, Ramirez also took his place among the lecturers.
It was mentioned to be a kind of romantic effort away from a realistic policy of the President of Iran Ahmedinajad to go to the Latin American countries and visit the anti-American leaders to take the wind of a leftist opposition behind. But it is possible to understand the echo of  this attempt in the Latin American countries and the wide numbers in the global hegemony.
The reaction against the Iranian strategy that became concrete, after the double standart of  America in especially Iran’s attempt to get nuclear energy and American aggressiveness, is getting more effective as a deep wave. While having a nuclear agreement with India, threatening Iran to attack since Iran has nothing in its hand is strenghtening the language that Iran is using. Perhaps the message of Iran developing an anti imperialist speech had never been as effective as today in the international platform before.
Iran seems to meet the expectation of the important name of the British left, Tariq Ali who offered the “line of hope” to America taking Iran into the “triangle of evil”. It is difficult to guess the real meaning of this speech for now. But after Iran obtains nuclear energy, America and its allies must be afraid of the “rhetoric bombs” in their hands instead of, according to their own words, producing the Islamic bomb. In a world that lost its hope, even such a rhetoric can be a great opening.
Ýlgili YazýlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editör emreakif on November 30, 2007