The definite result American votes’ results show is that : Bush and his team lost the vote. The beating which Republic group faced in Senato votes and Representatives Councile is giving the sign about who will win the election in the next semester.The politics being practised by Rebuclicians who have been managed by Bush for 2 years-it means the “neo-cons” seems to be punished by American voters.
In this case , what does a possible Democrat Party promise to the world? If we get this quesiton wider , is there any possibility for the change in global strategy which was started by Bush to struggle with terorrism?Is it possible for American administrator to make a radical change in the strategy which was started to practise after 11th September? Can we hope from Americans to leave the Middle East alone by giving up the strategy which killed 650 thousands people?Or can a change in administration mean the cancel of the permission which gives the Israel the right to kill the innocent people like in Gazze.?
We should ask this question to understand what a possible change in administration will change in Middle East from the humanistic perspective. : To be able to successful in struggling with terorrism should how many more people than 650 thousand be killed?It’s not necessary to be exposed to those tortures to ask these questions.All the people  wherever they are from hope this savagery to be stopped .
In fact the global strategy practised by America doesn’t involve the conscience meaning.Those people who are voting in American votes do not think what is happening in the places which they do not even know their names.They consider the change in consumption habits, the increase in taxes while voting.
Turning back , the question is whether  a possible Democrat Party  means a radical change in American .
It’s high time to say that : America doesn’t construct the strategies by looking at the change in government.. It doesn’t decide global strategies by looking only at one event.Even there is little changes in administration, no change will be in the big ambition.
We must, in addition, say that : The struggle strategy with terorrism and Big Middle East Project was not thougth after 11th September even they were started in that time.The preparation of this strategy began in a democrat party time even it was practised in Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Consequently, this war is the dimension of west crisis reflecting to us; and this occupation strategy is more than America’s power like being more than Bush’s power and for this reason it is a candidate to be a dangerous position.
The reason which makes America wilder than before is not its power as it is thougth in contrast its fall increasing day by day.
Ýlgili YazýlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editör emreakif on November 30, 2007