Unless Soma becomes a turning point for discrepancies, which occur in principles, honesty, conscience, consistence, promises, responsibility, values, justice, then talks regarding all those won’t go beyond temporary emotions or political anger, which will become an unquestionable, pretentious drama show.
Like a flash in the pan which fades away so quickly, what the shows of anger, pitifulness, sharing, regret can’t change is that exploitations and irresponsibility which devaluate the honest penny and human life.
The subject of what is missing and what is required can be simple cautions, which everyone assumes to know in technical terms. However, we should emphasize that the priority of the matter is the deficiency of essential mentality. The social differences which have been polarized in Turkey are also polarized in human values.
Leftist-Kemalists or secular groups in the general sense are ready to react when there is a demand from the religious community. They call it ‘exploitation of the religion!’ Rightist conservatives react to the demands of labor class by bracketing off their demands and calling them ‘exploitation of the worker and labor’. They simply disregard them, too.
One of the most used terms by the Turks on abroad is ‘the image of Turkey’. Our community invests all its energy for the international image of Turkey; conservative rightists have been proud of the developments in Turkey for the last decade. However, this is not restricted to conservative rightist as it expands to a larger social area which they constantly reproduce.
Before everyone else, those who identify themselves as Muslims and justify their ontology as such must question what this kind of image creates without questioning the economic and financial cost of Turkey’s economic growth that was conducted by will means in terms of ethics and values.
We are talking about a principal and systematic inquiry which must call our attention to raise questions with regards to earning, labor, wealth, enrichment of the country and the rise of prosperity and its sharing etc.
To explain the economic success of Turkey only through the Anatolian human dynamism is quite misleading and even so, it covers up the real defect and moral deficiency. That the nature of the success Turkey or any other Muslim country is achieving or will achieve has an indigent character to be questioned and the propagandist approach which postpones its social price and avoids from facing off its results contradicts the basic values of the Muslim which he stands by.
The discourse of the academy and media that starts with ‘the economic success in a country referred to as Muslim’ is in fact enabling the integration of the so-called country to the global capitalism by way of neo-liberal policies; a Muslim country would never compromise with such an output of modernity as it is a non western society and it also performs its integration by its own will which also means a lack of opposition to this in place of a serious objection.
For example, as one of the key questions, without developing an alternative model to the interest-oriented economic system, we should question the process in which this economic growth leads to a condition where the success rises by a few thousand dollars more, however it silences us as to how much its national income is per person, obliging us to its acceptance and stops us from questioning whether one should withdraw his or her own basic objection. A likewise question is whether this economic level of success adulterated the food of the pious Muslim with more interest or not. Otherwise, it simply is a way to suppress the question of whether this type of economy embodies a kind of systematic secularization that dictates a set of laws and its own kind of rules to abide by.
The pain in mines will continue if the people’s right, sacredness of labor, and justice are not appreciated as fundamental principles to be realized in the norm of ‘human value and respect’ and remain only mythical stories.
Those who suffer from deep pains at the face of deaths, even so by evading a shameless exploitation of pains and swallowing their tears and they don’t question the systematic fundamentals of pains will unfortunately carry logs to such disaster of fire that is individually and socially inflammable.
Just as concrete, technical meanings cannot explain away the cause of death with simple errors, we may not achieve economic success nor come out of the dark wells of the coal mine without questioning its moral, religious duties and its conscientious, principal causes.
Ýlgili YazýlarEnglish
Editör emreakif on May 17, 2014