By writing such an introduction, I neither have the intention to search for the Jewish prints after each single leaf that moves, in the name of anti-semitism to give material in order to approve the absolute “Jewish Power” nor to exaggerate the  powers of the lobbies that support the Israeli regulations and the Zionist thought.
In a country as America, if the decisions in the political,cultural and economical and many other issues are not only effective within the country but also all around the world, nobody can deny if some prejudice turning into blind thoughts are determinative, specific dynamics are effective. The truth the ones who know American system is that; it is more difficult to criticize Israel and Zionism in America than it is in Israel, at least a great risk should be considered.
Not only in terms of policy but also in art and intellect the ones who have such a speech must take into account a great state of  a siege that they will face.For example the film industry is the most typical and known example for this.Traditionally, because of the bad treatment they faced in the west, the reflection of  the investment that prefers “light and valuable”  seems in America so heavily in this area is not a coincidence.In a similar way because of the source of the capital in the media the written and visual thesis of Israel are dominant in the American media.
Even the inner embargo against the critiques on Israel  among the American media and intellectuals does not exist in Israel. It is rarely possible to see the critiques of the leftist and human rights defenders of Israel in the American media.
Even if they are Jewish-origined, the cost of the critiques they made in media or academical platforms is very big for  so popular names as  Noam Chomsky or E. Said. Nowadays we witness that  Jimmy Carter , as a very popular name once at the top of the American policy, faces similar attacks.  A campaign against Carter that I have been following for a long time, intensively turned into a siege even to force to a step back.
There has been a campaign for a while against Carter because of the book he had written, named “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid”
The thesis of the book and the debates in the American media are aside, the campaign against Carter and having a look at the reaction of  one of the help organizations for Israel ( The Israel Project) are giving us idea about the immunity of Israel. Carter is blamed for defending these ideas:
1) Israel is the side obstacling the peace in the region.  2) The UN 242 decision wants the Palestinians to go back to the lines before 1967. 3) West Bank belongs to Palestinians.  4) Israel is an apartheid country. 5) Palestine Liberation Organization has never defended annihilating Israel. 6) Israeli thought is dominant in the American media. 7) Israel is responsible for the exile of the Christians from the Holy Lands.
It is a country where it is enough to blame someone with anti-semitism who talks about the necessities of the international laws and agreements, even if once he was the President of the USA…
The campaign against him was so effective that 14 high consultants of the Carter Center that he is the founder of resigned by protesting Carter. Alan Deshowitz, among the tutors of Harvard, is one of the famous people who joined this campaign by blaming him to be depedant on Saudi Arabia and Emirates with his “Ex- President For Sale” article…
It is essential to remind the newspapers owned by R. Murdoch who had important partnerships and investments in Turkey joined this campaign. The reason why this book among the best five salers of the New York Times took the attention of a lot of  groups can be explained by the democratic tradition and the freedom of thought. But when the pressure after these discussions is considered, everybody sees that it is not a matter of freedom of thought when the American administrators were talking as lecturers after some award discussions in Turkey.
When I thought the effects of the reflection of the thoughts on us in the American policy and media this impact forcing to apoligize under the siege of the media even if the arhitect of the policy connecting the Israeli side completely to the America’s strategical choices in the Middle East, I remembered the “impact spies” in the political literature for a period. We must try to look at what is going on in Middle East from this point of view as they are reflected to us…
Ýlgili YazýlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editör emreakif on November 30, 2007