To make an order in the Middle East, more truely to bring democracy and freedom, I mean with the big claims such as bringing the privileges of the western civilization to this territory, the relationship of America legalizing the military occupation with Libya in the micro level is quite meaningful. It took nobody’s attention that all of a sudden Kaddafi who is known as a dictator,even a few times bombed by America, forced to embargo and was at the top of the terrorist countries during the Cold War became a model. Libya suddenly became the ally of the USA that was mobilized to apply the Great Middle East Project and that sent troops to the Middle East to bring democracy and freedom. Now America, that is threatening Iran with war which is running after the nuclear technology, is signing for a nuclear agreement with Libya. According to the news, America in cooperation with Libya will share its nuclear technology and lead this country to be a nuclear power.
The answer for how to interpret the things going on in the Middle East will give us the clue for our existing and non-existing thoughts on the future of the world. It can be percieved as a serious claim or to neglect the truths to consider the things happening in the region as a generalization about the destiny of the people. But it is possible to understand that when all the claims from the global powers targetting the region and the properties of the Middle East are gathered,  the crisis is in a dimension that is related with the ” state of humanity”, passing beyond the regional dimension.
After 9/11, the ones who could see the events from a wider point of view, not being too late underlined that as the language as a peerless leading power in the world America used to show its reaction on the issue was because of a crisis of civilization when it is considered with the strategical target and intention. Even if it is seemed that there is a war going on in the world as the others in every era, the actors of this and the geo-cultural properties show that it is not an ordinary war of security and profit. When we consider the power and claim of the western world and especially America to shape the system of the world on its own, after the Cold War the question of on which values the system of the world will be based on, apart from the calculations on profit it is the test of all the world against the western civilization.
Although American occupation in Iraq seems to be basicly unsuccessful , from the strategic choice the side that seems to be coherent is; just as the issue of the security on its will to carry the crisis of civilization that it has to the geostrategic and geocultural areas out of its own land. Of course the Middle East policy of America has a dimension of the strategic profit anxiety. But if it was a war of the military and economical anxiety, it would be easy for America. The issue that we call as the crisis of the civilization just comes out at this point.
The crisis of the civilization that a country leans against and tries to make its costs pay to the region claiming to re-establish a new world system and seeing that it has the power to do this is the basic issue that we face.
If we look again at the Libya example,the type of the relation is not only a cooperation in terms of the game of the countries in the meaning of the “real politic”. The point is the criteria that a power who has the claim to shape the world and a country that wants to be the representative of the civilization uses. These questions must be asked by the American side having a strategic relation with Libya, a country had no past. Has there been an administration change in Libya? Was Kaddafi announced as a terrorist taken away from the administration or found innocent after the accusations of the past? We can add more. Since it is in the agenda and it gives us the chance to understand the future, it is useful to take the Libya example.
How should a leader disconnected with his people protect his leadership for many years, he who even in the celebrations of revolution, in order to come to the front of the people during the assemble feels to surprise the people the last minute by putting the platforms all around the square. If we can answer this, we can understand that why America is having a nuclear cooperation with Libya. This is a matter overpassing the known hypocrisy of the imperialism.
If we practise the same moral values on the Iraqi issue, it comes out that the chaos that is lived is not coincident. The cost of the chaos in Iraq is paid to the people in the region. Also as a strategical choice America had always have an atmosphere / reason to continue its existance in the region.
Let’s underline that there is a conscious policy on carrying the crisis of the civilization in the hegemony established on the base of the blood and lives of the people in this territory, in the territory of the Muslims that has the chance to be alternative.
Ýlgili YazýlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editör emreakif on November 30, 2007