Easterner, Westerner, Parisian, and Pekinese, orientalist and Westernized… they all started to interrogate the Muslims of the world. An attitude, which believes in having the privilege of making someone accountable for the bloodshed in Paris with the language of modernity’s violence …. An imperious language, which is free from the motives and perpetrators of the crime and calls out all the Muslims to apologize through the identities of the attackers. Not just apologizing, rather, a mediatic and intellectual violence that forces one into confessing.
This view, from liberal forbearance to the left-wing opposition, sees the right to judge every civilization and religion that stays outside the secular visualization and that the West didn’t bracket in itself. Also, the left wing, which couldn’t oppose the global free market system, is trying to bring itself into existence over the violence in Paris. The liberal ethic is highly two-faced, and, the left-wing opposition is highly compact…. The language, which legitimizes every kind of violence produced by modernism, is gradually rising in a dangerous manner. As if, the ones attempted to be put up with are not the ones that shed the blood but rather all the Muslims that share their religious relation. As a matter of fact, Islam is being tested as deep opinionated violence and an example of monopolist domination. Since such a type of tendency exists between its believers (no matter how marginal and despite what or who they represent or not), Islam should have given an account in front of history, and, the West’s indisputable values!
Even in the time interval, in which the West sees itself in the position of bringing others to account in a political, intellectual and moral sense, and doesn’t doubt its rightfulness, the West should ask this question at least once, and even Muslims should remind themselves this one more time: What do the Muslims want? If you find this list long, then the “What don’t the Muslims want to do?” question can be more explanatory.
– For example, Muslims don’t want other people, who don’t believe in Islam, especially Westerners, to live like them.
– Muslims don’t want to impose their own belief systems and value judgment on the modern world and Westerners, and also them to amend their lives according to the standards of the Muslims.
– Even though the faith of Muslims represents reality, they cannot desire for anyone to be forced into believing in this, either historically or theoretically. Until the reality and justice are stamped on.
– No Muslim, while looking after their own beliefs, would want the modern world, which broke off from the holy, to judge Islam or other beliefs/values, or attempt to imprison it to the holiness of the secular codes.
– Also, Muslims don’t want to absolutize Western values and to be brought to account over them.
– Muslims don’t want to be exposed to communal massacres by means of smart bombs from the sea, land and/or air, even if it’s in the name of saving democracy or human rights.
– They don’t want an unjust system to seize their own resources in this earth, which had been turned into a market by global capitalism.
– They don’t want despotic rulerships, which make the most unfair sharing possible despite possessing the richest resources of the world, at the expense of the blood of masses.
– They are arguing against the Westerners’ attacks on Islam’s divines with an absolutizing hegemonic language by universalizing their value judgments.
– They don’t want the modern mind to absolutize the values of the West, which are in the claim of universalism, while questioning the revelation, blessed and religion.
– They don’t want their voices to be oppressed despite humanity’s accelerated advance towards an existential suicide and a desertification, where the meaning is lost, and to be caricaturized by the mediatic hegemony.
– They don’t want to become an object of racism, which is gradually increasing in Paris and London, or of the assimilation in the name of cultural integration.
– Moreover, they don’t want to be exposed to open intervention and aggression, which presents the possibility of making self-criticism hostage instead of holding the West, Jews or any other power, responsible for every calamity and trouble.
This list can be extended even more.
This imperious language, which declares all of the people that share the same belief as the culprits, which could come out from any idea, religion or culture, has reappeared. This language is not enough to hide two-facedness. Contrarily, it feeds the violence that takes the Islamic world hostage and forces the Muslims to become introverted with a defensive reflex.
However, the Islamic world is first required to review its relation with its own opportunities for existing, and also, renew its proposal to humanity.
lgili YazlarDünya, English, Siyaset
Editr emreakif on January 13, 2015